About Us

Our mission is to elevate road safety for drivers and pedestrians in small to medium-sized cities across the U.S. by working closely with communities and employing the latest and most effective safety strategies.

Check to see up-to-date information from the IIHS on what the Automated Enforcement Laws are across the country. 

What are the laws in your state?

  • Technology

    With automation comes consistency. The world today relies on technology to make tasks easier and to provide services no matter the time of day or night. Rather than providing technology to replace people, automated traffic solutions provide 24/7 monitoring while freeing up law enforcement officers to focus on other critical concerns.

  • Commitment

    We are committed to over-delivering for our clients. We design and implement zero out-of-pocket, comprehensive, effective programs to cities that truly value safer streets above revenue. Cities that are also committed to continuous improvement in driver behavior and pedestrian safety make the best kind of client.

  • Trust

    With decades of “ground-up” enforcement program experience, the Sitestream team is made up of pros from the industry. The kind of team that makes you look good with your team and your community. The kind of team that keeps you safe from bad headlines and improves public opinion.