Safeteen Initiative
Safeteen is a community safety program funded from Sitestream revenue specifically aiding teenage drivers and their pursuit of professional drivers education.
According to the CDC, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens. Teen motor vehicle crashes are preventable, and proven strategies can improve the safety of young drivers on the road.
Teens who do not enroll in a driving school are...
75% more likely to violate rules and get a ticket.
24% more likely to be involved in fatal accidents.
16% more likely to get into accidents.
According to drive-safely.net
Program Benefits
The Safeteen Initiative by Sitestream can help your community in numerous ways:
1% of Sitestream program revenue remitted back to the client community twice per year
Host community administers the program as it chooses for its teenage drivers that reside within the community
Funds must be used for drivers educational purposes only
No catches, no strenuous conditions and no maximum limits on program funding
Possibility of lower insurance premiums after teens have completed a drivers education course