Red Light Camera Enforcement

Nearly 28% of traffic crash deaths in the U.S. occur at intersections having traffic signals and are caused by drivers running red lights, according to the American Automobile Association, AAA.  By implementing 24/7 camera technology, drivers quickly learn that running a red light will result in a costly fine, creating a much safer intersection for all.

Site Surveys

Together, we will look at crash data in your community as well as the intersections where driver behavior is putting everyone at risk.  Well placed cameras will yield the highest violation capture rate.


Construction & Planning

Sitestream’s experience runs deep when it comes to engineering, permitting, construction and electrical services.  Local partnerships are in place for key services to ensure smooth, timely program implementations.


Testing & Communications

Public confidence is key to any enforcement program’s success. At Sitestream, the testing phase of the installation is paramount in order to fine tune program parameters and ensure robust communications. Careful execution helps build trust and support within the community.


Program Management

Every aspect of your program is carefully managed by seasoned professionals.  The violation images and the corresponding data points from your installed cameras are reviewed methodically to ensure that the chain of evidence will hold up in a court of law.